The Healy devices work with Artificial intelligence, Quantum physics, and information field science. It uses IMF (individualized microcurrent frequencies) as well as bio feedback and bio resonance which enables it to reach various different levels at which it works. These include.
The Healy device enables a person to work with themselves or other humans at
Healy also works and wonderfully balances animals. Pet animals are today commonly found in many households. Cats, Dogs, parrots, guinea pigs, turtles and many more are often seen to be a human’s best friend and lives with us and play an integral part in our lives. With the Healy device, we can also help maintain the health and happiness of our loved animals.
As humans and animals plants are also living beings and add a great significance to the energy and positivity of where they are placed. Energy of the plants can be recorded and worked with using the Healy blue app.
With the various technologies inside the Healy, it aims to bridge the gap between mind and matter. Our environment is an important factor for our wellbeing. The energy and vibe of the place we stay at, work at, or visit regularly can be made positive with the various databases and remedial solutions of the Healy blue app. The positive effect of the place being energized can be felt not just by the Healy user but by others also. It’s a great way to have a good atmosphere at our home, work place etc.
Our company, is a collective energy of the founders as well as the energy of all the employees who work in it. As a whole the company also interacts with the outside energy of all the concerned stakeholders such as its customers, competitors, regulartory authorities etc. To be energized in this dynamic environment is often a good solution and can lead to favourable positive outcomes.
Many times we are involved with various groups. We are part of groups for a common task or with a common goal and intention. The energy of each member becomes the collective energy of the group as a whole. For eg a group of 11 people playing cricket makes a team. The dynamism of the group depends on the collective and collaborative energy of these 11 people. When optimized, correctly this group energy can be positively channalized and the best possible outcomes can be nurtured with a coherent and effective group performance. Such group’s dynamism is very important at various aspects and places in our daily lives.
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