Earn free Healy device in your first month of enrollment!

Our team has started and pioneered Healy Business in India since its launch in December 2019. We have the Top earners, Rank achievers and biggest team size in India. We are your partners in creating a better lifestyle with the Healy opportunity.

We support you with

Additional cash bonuses for sharing the Healy device in your first few months of enrollment. Earn additional cash bonus upto Rs. 88000 by successfully referring Healy!


In Your Path To Making Successful Business With Healy We Support You All The Ways!

Personality Development

Mentoring and coaching

Following Proven Systems

Team building and support


Healy World offers an opportunity to earn income from 9 different ways categorized into 3 parts

Core Bonuses

  • Device Direct Bonus

Team Bonuses

  • Fast Start Bonuses
  • Mentoring & Coaching Bonus
  • Manager Advancement Bonuses
  • Dual Bonus

Leader Bonuses

  • Leader Advancement Bonus
  • Leadership Check Match
  • Super Leadership
    Check Match
  • Leader Pool




When you recommend and sell Healy World product to customers and Independent Healy World Members, you earn percent bonus on those sales.

Device Direct Bonus

  • Paid on the BV of all devices & upgrades purchased by your customers and Level 1 IHWMs, not just first orders
  • DPV is the QV from the devices and upgrades purchased by your customers and your Level 1 IHWMs
  • Percentage is based on your DPV each month, regardless of what device is sold
  •  20% is guaranteed.
  • 35% to 40% can be earned based on volume


As you recommend and sell Healy World products, Prospective individuals may want to join your team and build Healy World Business of their own. As your team grows, you can earn percentage on the product sale by your team members.

  This is further categories into different types

a) Mentouring & Coaching Bonus

Mentoring and Coaching bonus is paid on devices and upgrades sold by your personally sponsored members (Level 1) and their personally sponsored members (Level 2). 

Your paid as title for the month determines the percentage of Mentoring and Coaching bonus. For Level 1 members 5% to 10% and Level 2 members 3% to 5%. 

Roll up of inactive members is done for calculation purposes to give mentoring and coaching bonus to the active upline member. 


b) Dual Bonus 

Paid when a member qualifies as a Team manager or higher. Your genealogy consists of two sides: the left and the right leg. Each time a member is sponsored they have to be placed on either of the two sides.The percentage of dual bonus is paid on the weaker leg (leg with less team volume). Equal amount of volume is deducted from the strong leg (leg with more team volume) and rest of the volume is carried over to the next month. The carry over volume is dependent on the Rank in the particular business month.

c) Rank Advancement Bonus

Manager Advancement Bonus 

The Manager advancement bonus is paid out the first time a member advances through the carrier path and archives a new Rank of Team Manager, Senior Team Manager and Executive Team Manager. If Multiple ranks are advanced during a single business month the bonuses are added and paid out. 

When you have someone in your Sales Group that advances to one of these titles and you are the first upline with an equal or higher Career Title, then you will receive a Matching Manager Advancement Bonus, provided you are also paid as an equal or higher title that month


As you recommend and sell Healy World products, Prospective individuals may want to join your team and build Healy World Business of their own. As your team grows, you can earn percentage on the product sale by your team members.

  This is further categories into different types

a)Leader Advancement Bonus

The Advancement bonuses are paid on Rank of Executive Director, Executive Vice President, and Executive President, When you advance to and retain three of our key Leadership Titles for the first time, you will earn up to INR24,056,487 in total Leadership Advancement Bonuses.

You can double your bonus by advancing within the first six, twelve, or eighteen months after enrollment

Executive Director advancement is paid in one full installment of Rs. 264000.By advancing within 6 months following your enrollment month, you will receive the Double Bonus amount and it will be Rs. 528000

Executive Vice President advancement bonus is Rs. 17,60,000 paid in 5 monthly installments of Rs. 3,52,000. By advancing within 12 months following your enrollment month, you will receive the Double Bonus amount and it will be Rs. 528000 per  month

You will earn the first payout with the monthly bonus earnings for the month you advance and then you may earn the remaining four bonuses by being paid as your new title (or higher) at least four out of the five following months. This allows you to have one grace month and still earn the full bonus amount. 

 Executive President advancement bonus is Rs. 22,000,000 paid in 10 monthly installments of Rs.22,000,00.  By advancing within 18 month following your enrollment month, will receive double bonus amount and it will be Rs. 44,000,00 per month. You will receive the first payout with the monthly bonus earnings for the month you advance and then you may earn the remaining nine bonuses by being paid as your new title at least 9 out of the following 11 months. This allows you to have two grace months and still be able to earn the full bonus amount. 

b)Leader Pool 

When you are paid as an EDIR or higher at least two of the three months of a calendar quarter, you may participate in our Leader Pool! You will earn shares each month based on your paid-as title and 1 share for each block of 100,000 Downline Volume for that month. This pool shares 1% of our quarterly total company Bonus Volume equally among all shares awarded for the quarter.

C)Leadership Check Match Bonus & Super Leadership Check Match bonus 

When you are paid as a Director or higher, you may earn a Leadership Check Match on the Dual Bonus and Mentoring & Coaching Bonus earnings of Generational Executive Team Managers in your Sales Group

When you are paid as an Executive Vice President (EVP) or higher, you may earn a Super Leadership Check Match on the Dual Bonus and Mentoring & Coaching Bonus earnings of Generational Executive Directors in your Sales Group

A generational Executive team manager and Generational Executive director means :

A Generational Executive Team Manager (ETM) is an individual in your Sales Group that has the Generational Title of Executive Team Manager (ETM) or Executive Director (EDIR). A 1st Generation ETM means there are no other Generational ETMs between you and that individual. A 2nd Generation ETM means there is one other Generational ETM or higher between you and that individual. 


Healy is the worlds first wearable microcurrent medical de­vice which offers you applications to help you stay fit, and bioenergetically regenerate and reduce pain.

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